Each year EEA supports the U.S. Green Building Council’s Green Apple Day of Service. Volunteers had a great day helping Govalle Elementary School in Austin on Saturday, September 24. EEA was a sponsor for Green Apple Day of Service and was able to purchase paint and plants for the service project. Thanks to Debora Dean, Vera Ngirkelau, Mike Hart, and Lacey Proffitt for taking a Saturday to power wash, weed some gardens, trim the front hedges and mow. Vera’s fiance, Guss Gordon, was so moved to help that he bought a push mower for the school to keep on the grounds. Though the district has the mowing and maintenance on a rotation, frequently the teachers and staff have to fill in to keep the grass at a reasonable height. Another big shout out to Debora for donating some burr oak saplings and bringing her friend to power wash. The school plans to plant the oak tree on their playground in memory of the child of one of their teachers.

Categories: EEA Culture