EEA was recently named a 2014 MEP Giant by Consulting-Specifying Engineer in the August 2014 issue. The top 102 MEP engineering firms in the nation were recognized for their work in the industry.
Appearing on the list at #83 (10 places up from 2012 and 5 places up from 2013), EEA highlighted the Sam Houston State University thermal utility and electrical master planning project. The project is a study of the 7,000-ton chilled water, 18,000 MBTU heating water, and electrical systems on the campus and is part of a larger master planning project for the University performed by SmithGroupJJR. Details of the scope, challenges, and EEA’s solutions can be read by clicking the MEP Giants logo above.
A press release has been issued by Consulting Specifying Engineer magazine. To learn more about EEA’s services and latest news updates, visit our website at www.eeace.com or contact us by email at [email protected].
Categories: EEA Culture, EEA Experience